Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My Christmas Wish List

So i thought i would put a little Christmas wish list together.  Things i really want, will never get (at least as a present ha) and that are out of a price range someone other then my husband would get me anyway.  This list will more then likely serve as a reminder for me so i can know exactly what i want to get myself when i have spare money.

First up is this juicer. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000050FB5/ref=s9_wishx_gw_p79_d85_i1?ie=UTF8&coliid=I3536K9OWIOQUD&colid=KJWTAX3GFRM&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-5&pf_rd_r=1T3MCDEF6ABCQWK0Y8AW&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=470939291&pf_rd_i=507846  such a great price and i have heard it works really well.  I would love to start jicing as my family does not get near enough vegatables and i would love for us to get better at it.  I am thinking with "juice" i could make this happen. =)

Next up are tools.  I love doing wood projects and it is kind of hard when all you have is a borrowed jig saw and a borrowed circular saw.  These are just a few of the tools i really want!!

I of course need new things for the kitchen as well.  These should probably go at the top of my list but since i like crafting more than cooking it's not. haha

You can never go wrong with craft things for me.  I would take scrap fabric, bottons, plastic containers you have saved, glass jars, paint, wood, pretty much anything because you never know when you can use it!  In fact the more i look at craft blogs the more i kick myself for some of the things i have thrown away. =) here are just a couple of the 1000 things i am wanting.  First up is punchs, scallop punches and circular punches. I want some in all sizes. this would make life so much easier when crafting!                                                     

Pinking shears!!

1 comment:

Aspiring Foster Mama said...

I hope you get a juicer! <3 And some pans that are not teflon... I need to do a post on that. Toxic, toxic, toxic! :)