Friday, September 3, 2010

craft projects

I have so many craft projects going on right now and so many i want to start! I think my entire favorites bar is just completely filled up with pages of things i want to try. This is no good when school is in session because my crafts go to the back burner. This is especially no good when those school subjects are fast paced and hard!! And this is superly no good when there is only 4 months till christmas!! =)I swear every year i say i am going to start early on Christmas but every year i am up till 2 or so finishing up my craft projects. You see i LOVE to make homemade gifts. Some people think this is because they are cheaper but it's becuase i love trying to give the gift that is individualized for a certain person. Something that is made completely from love and not a gift that is given just to give a gift but something i really think they would like. I dont always hit the mark but at least i try. =) Anyway i already have some great ideas for this year and cannot wait to see the reactions of my loved ones. I would post them here but since my loved ones are probably the only ones to read this i can't. I'll make sure to post pics after it's all said and done though. Happy Friday and happy 4 day weekend to me!!

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