Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Wow! i can't believe I have not been on here since February! I missed writing about a few things along the way so i will write some very short updates on the months i missed.

March- Dalten turned 5 years old in March. He had his first sleepover for his birthday. He had his cousins here along with his friend Tristin. Surprisingly everything went really smoothly and the kids all a good time.

April- Kayden turned 3 in April. She had her party at a gymnastics center but just in the play zone. I think the kids, along with a few adults, had loads of fun. =)

May- May was finishing up the school year for both Dalten and I. I ended with A's but Dalten had some summer homework. We were told he really needed to build his confidence and work on doing more things for himself. He tends to say i dont know how alot! I really feel he has improved and look forward to seeing how he does in Kindergarten.

June- June was our first full month out of school and though i know we had plans every weekend I cannot for the life of me remember what we did at the moment. lol This has been a super busy summer for us!

July-One of my favorite holidays of the year ( i say one because really what holiday isnt great when you get together with friends and family). Every year we go to our friend Cory's house. This was year number 8 and it is so fun to see how families have grown. We started this tradition pre-kids for most of us and now grown into quite a bunch of families. lol We play volleyball and horseshoes, we had a moon bounce for the kids and a mister, sparklers, music, fireworks, great foode and great company! This month was also my littlest mans 2nd birthday. I can not believe how fast he is growing! He is even trying to potty train already. in fact it is momma who is not wanting to mess with it yet. but he goes all the time on the toilet so maybe he will be an early trainer. i can hope anyway. =)

August- We just got back from our first big family vacation. We have taken some sort of vacation every summer but this was our big trip! (or maybe i think that b ecause it has cost the most lol) We spent a week in California. We did 3 days at Disneyland, one day at the beach and 3 days at my aunts house swimming. We also did 2 24 hour car drives straight through. Needless to say it was an extremely fun exhausting trip! This month also starts the first day of a new school year. Dalten starts Kindergarten tomorrow. I am so excited for him but a little sad for all of us. I can't believe he will be gone ALL day long. He is going to learn so much this year and become so much more independant. But he will always be my first baby. I look foward to seeing all he learns and though he is nervous and does not want to start school i really hope he starts to love learning and being creative. He starts music this year, which i am VERY excited about!

Thats pretty much it for the updates. Kayden is now in underware full time and rarely has accidents but still does on occasion. Mainly when we are somewhere else, you know the one time you really dont want them too lol.

Thats about it, hopefully i will update this thing more. i am not that interesting but sometimes its nice to vent things out or share happy memories. =) Lots of things coming up, Darrens birthday, halloween, thanksgiving, my birthday and christmas. Lots of fun!!

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